Charles II
I completely disagree that any boy should be forced to keep a problematic or hated foreskin until he is an adult. A boy is certainly capable of grasping the issue and making an informed consent about his own body when he reaches the so called age of reason, about 7. Many are perfectly capable even sooner, like when starting school and being confronted by the issue in the restrooms etc. Certainly no later than about puberty, an uncut boy knows quite well what he needs and wants.
If the decision is to be delayed that long, every uncut boy should be informed of the need to fully retract and clean his foreskin, and that frequent, prolonged or even permanent retraction has many advantages, both for health and hygiene. This can help discourage phimosis, infections, hypersensitivity and other common foreskin problems, and may even make eventual circumcision unnecessary. At the least, it will make adjustment to circumcision a lot smoother and easier.