Not sure what Diabetic 1800 Calorie diet means...
Maybe this link will help some, I believe I was pre-diabetic going into all of this. Seeing my doctor and having him refer me to a Liver Specialist is the reason I found curezone... I got mad because my eyes were opened that one prescription had led me to another, then another etc. and that all of these were being processed in my liver and causing my liver to whack out, which was the reason for referring me to the liver specialist... I never went. My anger at conventional medicine for knowingly and/or unknowingly sending me down with the avalanche of modern medicine's mis-information pathway finally got through my thick, foggy thinking skull to use my own common sense and remember to use food as my medicine and let my medicine be my food.
I made major dietary changes (and am still making them) and then started the cleanses, first with bowel, then kidney and lymph (lymph is continuous through exercise, skin brushing, hot\cold showers, detox bathing etc.) followed by liver flushes. I have since resolved a multitude of ills, some undiagnosed, including chronic fatigue, sore aching muscles and lack of flexibility, foggy thinking, memory loss, blurry vision, balancing issues, weight gain and inability to lose weight, athletes foot, jock itch, dandruff (seborrheac dermatitis), rosecea, chronic constipation, high blood pressure, poor skin, hair and nail quality,
Body Odor (I no longer use deodorants, antiperspirants etc. and do not need them), chronic bad breath, unmanageable plaque build up on my teeth, receding gums, and probably some others I am leaving out.
Thanks for your concern... I am past due for a check up and plan to have one as soon as my liver is clear (they say that flushing can affect the test results). I had my first flush without stones and have 2 more to go... then I will make the "big appointment" and find out how/if my liver has been helped or not with all of this...