What I remember, as a child, I drowned. I grew up accustomed to the buoyancy of salt-water and had underestimated my capabilities swimming to a float at a lake. I understand I had been floating drowned for some time before discovery (?? no exact idea of time) and there were several unsuccessful attempts at restoring my lungs back to breathing - certainly not days or weeks or even an hour...but I'm told that they had "given up" before I recovered. My recollection during this experience...I saw and heard everything! I felt nothing in my body but I "felt" safe and calm (not sad or frightened) as I watched...the clouds surrounded me and I was being pulled toward the sun (at least that is how it felt as a child!)
As an adult, I was in an automobile accident. Prounounced dead at the scene and as my body was driven by ambulance to emergency I simply began breathing again. Once again, I do not know the exact period of time, the experience as an adult was not much different than my impression as a child.
As for my husband a mere three weeks ago, I received the call from critical care (one of the few breaks I took from sitting and speaking with my comatose spouse). I spoke with my GOD and said that even though I would miss my husband terribly that I was at peace if it was GOD's decision he return to HIM...that I wanted another opportunity to be of service to my husband in this physical life for him to fulfill all that was intended by his presence here...and by the time I had arrived, about 20 minutes after they had ceased resuscitation attempts, he returned, although still in a coma. The wonderful critical care nurses told me this happens more frequently than you would imagine! He is home today, and says he does not recall anything except that he was on a mission to find something, actually said it was a "deal" he made with GOD and is not ready to talk much about it. I honor that.