"I give thanks to all the beings who had anything to do with bringing me all the food that I eat. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
"Before today is over, my unconscious will find a safe and constructive way of communicating something important to my conscious mind."
-------------- Milton Erickson -----------
"I have relative weaknesses that cause me
suffering, but I also possess absolute beauty,
which far surpasses these limitations. I am
melting down my fearful, frozen places, by
holding them in the warmth of tenderness and
------------------ James Welwood ----------
"May I become in practice all that I am in potential. May the love that informs every cell in my body, permeate every thought in my
mind. May the joy in the universe flow through
me every moment. And may the power of the Supreme, compassionately empower my actions
and fulfill my needs. Achieving this, I will know 'Tattwan Asi,' (I am that)."
---------- Thomas Ashley-Farrand ----------
"What has happened, has happened. What I am
going through, I shall rise above. And what will come, I shall meet with courage."
-------------- Hazrat Inayat Khan ---------
"For all that has been, Thanks.
To all that shall be, Yes!"
------------ Dag Hammarskjold --------------