Sounds great!! I am in. NYCDiane is starting today as well as Jim, so hopefully all will join and we can have a little group.
Here is a little introduction about me.
I am a 31 year old Californian and I have 18 month old boy/girl twins and was in the hospital(3 months) durng my pregnancy on tons of toxic drugs for contractions. I know that they were toxic to my system and would love to rid my body of them. I also still have about 40
pounds I would love to shed during the next year, so maybe changing my habits and cleansing will set me on the right path.
The main reason is that I have problems with ovarian cysts and my cycles are so easy affected my the types of food I eat, so I am hoping the cleanse will help my cysts and help me stay on track putting foods into my body that help it rather than hurt it.
Wanting to make big changes and feel healthy.
Looking forward to hearing everyone's stories.
Lemonade Cheers,