Hi! I am also on Day 4 and I feel great. When I woke up I was still groggy and somewhat achy, although, I think I am always that way (hopefully that changes). I did my first
SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) today. I waited so that I could do it on a day that I didn't have to work. I didn't think that it would be so hard to drink the salt water but it was a bit difficult to get 32
oz of water down. I drank it room temperature. I think next time I may try it warmed up a bit (I read a post that recommended pretending it is soup). I did feel better after going to the bathroom and then about an hour later I had a lemonade and the rest of the day has been fine.
This is my first fast. I have learned so much from this forum and I wanted to contribute my thoughts and feelings. It is so great to know that others are experiencing the same feelings and at the same times.