Okay, so... I just finished 11 days on the
Master-Cleanse and last night I broke my fast. I didn't do it the correct way, though. I wanted to share this experience just to satisfy the curiousity of anyone who might be wondering "what happens if you don't come off the cleanse slowly?"
Last night I was dragged to a birthday party for a close friend of mine. The topic of WHY I wasn't eating my favorite food (we hit a really nice Mexican restaurant) consumed the entire group of people. I was going to stop at 12 days anyway and then restart again in a week or so... AND I'M NOT RECOMMENDING THIS TO OTHERS BUT... I just said to hell with it and ate a complete regular meal.
No "coming off the cleanse with broth"... no "fresh juice only for a day"... nothing. Just... regular food.
The result? Nothing. No ill effects. I still don't recommend that to anyone else. I made that decision on my own.
The really cool thing though... was that after an hour of being hammered about WHY I'd do something so "kooky", several people wanted to try it. I'm writing a fairly extensive guide as a companion to the original Burroughs text for the Master Cleanse. It answers some of the questions you see repeatedly on here (can I take my vitamins, what's supposed to happen on the MC, what if my tongue turns colors, what if I hate the salt water or the cayenne?)
So after a not-so-inspiring story of following the cleanse religiously for 11 days- and then CHOWING DOWN on Mexican food with no preparation at all, there is a positive side!
On Monday, May 10th... five other people including me are going to do the
Master-Cleanse again. The agreed upon length is 14 days although some want to go longer. EThe participants are coming to my house this weekend for a quick class on making the lemonade, the tea, the SWF... and where to buy everything including that Holy Grail GRADE B syrup.
So to any of you who wondered what happens when you come off the cleanse rapidly... I can report nothing bad happened to me. But... I could only eat about 1/4 of what I normally would. I was comfortably full after only the appetizers. But don't be like me... follow the
Master-Cleanse instructions and do it the right way!
Happy Cleansing...