from a practical stand point, I noticed amazing and even radical changes in my health, physical welbeing, energy, mental focus, etc. when I started to regularly use "supergreens" and "prime pH" and I had what was not terribly far from a healthy diet. The changes that are possible by adjusting what we eat absolutely astound me. I know some people here have argued that some how it doesn't matter what you eat, and your body will just compensate, but that simply wasn't that case for me. I wasn't dead, but I certainly wasn't living as well as I am now. That's the big problem in my mind with today's medicine is the focus on dealing with extremes. Bringing people back from the edge of death is what we are good add. But finding the proper balance for a glorious, energy filled, and vibrant life, that's much more difficult. It's subtle. And as has been pointed out, our tools for creating that kind of vitality in our own lives are being stipped away by factory farming tecniques. I think supplementation is unfortunately vital in today's day and age. I also want to say that while this particular forum does bread a lot of argumentative posts, so long as we all keep our respect for one another I think this turns out to be a wonderful addition to curezone and the
Support Forums in general. We support each other through knowledge as well as emotional support. Take care, Mike