First with respect to allergies he says:
"Heating the egg protein actually changes its chemical shape, and the distortion can easily lead to allergies."
He may say that but does that mean its true? Consider this he provides no documentation or plausable explaination about how this might occur. Heating certainly changes the shape of any protein we cook but stomach acid also denatures proteins (changes their chemical shape) so by default does that mean that stomach acid acting on proteins cause allergies?
Secondly with regard to nutritional value in general:
"The problem is that it also completely deactivates nearly every other protein in the egg white. While you will still obtain nutritional benefits from consuming cooked egg whites, from a nutritional perspective it would seem far better to consume them uncooked.
Well so does stomach acid. A pH of 1-2 spells the end of a intact protein and that is one of the principle purposes of the HCl in our stomachs. The acidic contents of the stomach are neutralized and made alkaline by bicarbonate rich secretios from the pancreas for one reason so that the secreted digestive enzymes are able to function at a optimal and not be denatured by the stomach acid.
Why would it seem better to eat raw rather than cooked? The amino acid sequence of a denatured protein is identical to the original protein and thus upon digestion you get the exact same amino acids. Makes no sense. The protiens in the food we eat are substrates for our own digestive enzyme system they have no participation in the digesive process.