I'm located in the USA in a county called Midlothian that was settled by the Scotch in the 18th century. Not that it's any of your business.
But besides that, your comments are so absurd that it boggles the mind. Firstly, the study proves that intrahepatic stones are not that UNCOMMON in the Chinese. Number two, it is common knowledge that Hispanics and Native Americans are extremely prone to gall and intrahepatic stone formation as well. 70% of the Native women in the Pima tribe in Arizona and New Mexico have gallbladder attacks by the time they are 30 years of age. It is obvious that certain races have "biliary tree" issues. FYI I did read the entire study and I have perfect reading comprehension skills. Wanna tell me what the "biliary tree" issue is with the Native Americans, Mexicans, and Hispanics as well? Never mind, this is a waste of time. You will say anything, even to the point of foolishness, to try and prove a point that isn't even really a point. Your condescending rants are childish and attempting to have a decent online debate with someone who seems to want to prove his self-worth by attempting to put down others is a complete waste of time.
It is and should be obvious to all that your rants are ill-informed and nonsensical. You'll say anything and make ignorant assumptions (like the fact that I live in Midlothian, Virginia) to try and make a nonsensical point.