Hi, question here, I just read an article on Dr. Mercolas site which said the gallbladder is necessary to help emulsify fats so they can be properly used, I just saw a company who sells cod liver oil regular and emulsified. would it be better for someone without their gallbladder to buy the emusified kind of oil, would this make it easier to assimilate for the body to use? Also , he recommended that people with gallbladders removed take lipase (a digestive enzyme I think) to help again with fat digestion and that this would be a thing to take for life. Do you know if this helps, and if so do any of you know if there is a certain kind which works better (like different grades of herbs and such) would you take just lipase, or would you take an enzyme formula with lipase. He has also said that it is necessary to take swedish bitters if lacking a gallbladder? What are swedish bitters? Thank you for your help, I will post in
Liver Flush Forum also to see if they might know also. Anna