This is what has helped me for more than 5 years with
almost daily attacks of urgent diarrhea after having
my Gall Bladder removed. Calcium is known to be
constipating so if you are that IBS type do not take
it. All calcium is not the same. Here is the what and
how to take the calcium information if you suffer from
Calcium is an OTC supplement we all do not usually get
enough of. No Rx is needed to purchase this.
When you take calcium about 40% of the dose gets to
the bones the rest is eliminated in our waste. The
calcium goes to the intestines and soaks up excess
fluids and binds them together and they are gotten rid
of in our waste.
This is a process that can be continued by taking the
calcium carbonate on a daily basis thus giving a more
formed BM.
There is calcium carbonate which helps us with
diarrhea and there is calcium citrate which is more
easily absorbed by the body and gets to the bones but
is not as helpful in controlling diarrhea.
A lot of the calcium supplements contain a 2 to 1
ratio of calcium to magnesium. Magnesium is not
helpful for us with diarrhea only causing more in most
cases. So, do not purchase this combination. It will
only make things worse. Also if you are taking a multi
vitamin with magnesium this may be a source of some of
the problem if you are having diarrhea. Also for me
vitamin C and E seemed to cause me stomach upset.
The dose to take is different for everyone. I must
take 3 a day one at each meal and it does not make a
difference if I take it before during or after just
take it regularly. Taking them at least 4 or 5 hours
apart is also necessary so the calcium has time to go
through the system and soak up excess bile and water.
Sometimes, because of the long number of hours between
dinner and breakfast it may be necessary to adjust
your timing to taking one at bedtime with a small
snack to get better results if you are a person who
usually suffers from diarrhea in the mornings.
The most success has come from using any formula of
calcium supplement that is like Caltrate 600 Plus with
Vitamin D and Minerals in the purple and white box.
This information is from the many users that have sent
me emails and of the posters on the web site. I hope
this will help anyone wishing to try it and I am
always here to answer any questions for you. I have a
lot of feed back form many users.
You must also have some testing done to be sure you
are not dealing with anything more serious. This is
most important.
There are other things to consider. If you take any
other meds check the side effects and also check with
the Doctor or Pharmacist to see if taking calcium will
interfere with your other medications and how you
might take them. I know if you take thyroid meds it is
important not to take the calcium at the same time but
maybe 4 hours apart. The calcium will soak up the
thyroid medication and you will not be getting the
benefit from it. You should also look at the side
effects of any other meds you may be on this can
contribute to the success or failure of using calcium
to help to control your diarrhea. You may also
consider if you are constipated and taking calcium
this may be the reason for your constipation. You can
most likely switch to another form of calcium to
relieve this also.
The only side effect is at the beginning of taking the
calcium, you may have some gas or indigestion but this
usually goes away soon after taking a regular dose for
a few days as your body adjusts to the added calcium.
Starting with 1/2 tablet doses with each meal will
lessen this problem and it may be enough to control
the diarrhea attacks without making you constipated.
Constipation can be a problem so be careful not to
take too much. It is safe for most of us to take 1800
mg a day as long as your body processes calcium
correctly and you do not have some underlying problem.
Check with your Doctor.
I had my gall bladder removed in 1976 and from that
time on I had suffered urgent attacks of diarrhea.
Went through a lot of test but nothing else could be
found. I took many of the meds for bowel spasms and
cramps over the years but nothing ever seemed to help.
I started to take a calcium supplement to help prevent
bone loss in later years and from the first day I felt
relief. I was pretty much a prisoner to the bathroom
or had to go without eating to be able to leave the
I must take 1 tablet with each meal and the diarrhea
does not come back if I miss taking it I get diarrhea.
It is a trial and error situation to find the right
amount that may help you.
The way it works is the calcium carbonate it a binder
and when you take it only about 40% of the calcium
gets to the bones and the rest is gotten rid of in our
waste. During that process it gets to the intestines
and soaks up excess bile and water and helps give a
more solid BM. Now that you have no gall bladder the
bile fluid goes directly into the intestines and
causes irritation and diarrhea. The calcium carbonate
soaks this up and no more diarrhea. It works great for
a lot of us and you just have to take the calcium
regularly and do not miss.
I started with Caltrate 600 Plus with vitamin D and
minerals and it does seem to make a difference in the
ingredients of calcium... This one seems to do the
best job for most. You can buy other store brands of
calcium with the same ingredients that work just as
well but they need to have the same ingredients. I get
Member's Mark Brand from Sam's Club you get 300
tablets for 8.99. Let me know if you need more help.
You won't be sorry if you try it.
I suggest starting with 1/2 tablet with each meal at
first this may be enough to control the diarrhea if
not in a few days up the dose to 1 tablet with each
meal or any combination there of. The side effect is
constipation so if you feel it coming on just cut the
dose. It is important to use a calcium that is as much
alike as the Caltrate brand from the feedback I have
Let me list the ingredients:
Vitamin D 200 IU (The sunshine vitamin needed to help
the body absorb calcium)
Calcium 500 or 600 MG (This should be calcium
carbonate form) (Calcium is the most abundant mineral
in the body. It is essential for maintaining strong
bones and teeth. Calcium is vital to muscle and nerve
function, blood clotting and metabolism.)
Magnesium 40 MG (No more than this amount because
magnesium will cause you to have diarrhea but because
calcium is constipating the magnesium helps to counter
act that effect) (Magnesium is essential to build
bones and is needed for muscle function, energy
metabolism, trans-mission of nerve impulses and to
make genetic material and protein.)
Zinc 7.5 MG (Zinc is necessary for some metabolic
processes, normal growth and sexual development, and
proper immune system functions.)
Copper 1 MG (Copper promotes iron absorption and is
essential to red blood cells, connective tissue,
fibers and skin pigmentation.)
Manganese 1.8 MG (Maganese plays an important role in
metabolism and is also needed to build bones and
Boron 250 MCG. (Improves calcium and magnesium
retention. Similar improvements can also be seen in
Vitamin D deficient post-menopausal females.)
There are other brands with the same ingredients so
get something as close as you can. Then start with 1/2
tablet with each meal and in a few days if this is not
enough to control your diarrhea then up the dose to 1
tablet with each meal. If you feel you are becoming
constipated then cut back on the dose. You may have to
stop the calcium completely then start back after you
have a BM at a lower dose.
It has been working since the first day I started
taking it July 1998 and as long as I take 3 a day
(this is the amount I must take it may be different
for you) I remain diarrhea free. No cramps, bloating
or diarrhea.
The dose you take with each meal is not the dose that
is helping you at that meal it is the prior ones that
have time to works their way through you system to
soak up excess bile and water in the intestines.
It also works for those of you who still have the gall
Take Care,