Hi Invincible,
These ideas which you suggest may be mostly correct, but then again they may not always be so!
There is much more involved in the pH test, as what is making the test acid and or alkaline in the first place!
In other words, what different acids are they which may make it an acid test, as well as what different alkaline minerals are involved in making the test alkaline and against what acids and then one needs to consider the Protein Isotope factor among other things!
"JUST" remember that this simple pH test "IS" "ONLY" a tool to help guide you along the path to keeping yourself Healthy and that it in it's self is not the Holy Grail!
To gain a full understanding of the complete picture, one may need to use a solu-bridge to test and help determine the salt levels in the urine and a refractometer to learn about the BRIX levels and other things to determine completely about the overall condition!
I am only trying to help people to come to a simple understanding that they may use the pH test to provide a small advantage of very simpleness to come to understand and connect the idea of that what they eat may effect how they may feel, and the pH test may be a simple tool to use as a guide line by it's self!
For by using the pH test one may begin to see how eating different foods may change their body pH and then this may help people realize the connection between what they eat and how they feel!
Then it may be their choice to Help themself or continue to Kill themselves with a poor Junk food Diet!
Smile Tis your choice.