Hi there,
You could call me an "expert" on the issue. :)
The key is this.....ONLY use soft-bristle toothbrushes.
Try NOT to use medium or hard bristle brushes, as these will cause irreversible gingival recession.
When you brush, brush in a circular motion, not side-to-side.
Brushing sideways, especially near the gumline, will most certainly lead to recession over time.
Hope that helps.
The toothbrush companies only make medium and hard-bristle toothbrushes because people buy them.
There is no sufficient data to prove that medium or hard-bristle brushes have any benefits whatsoever. In fact, in my experience, they are actually detrimental.
Also, be sure to brush your tongue as well, as it harbors some of the more nasty critters throughout the day. If you have time, try to brush every surface of the inside of your mouth.
I would also highly recommend using Listerine.
Not Scope, not Dr. Tichener's, Listerine.
Although Listerine doesn't fully replace the need for flossing as its ads have recently stated, it certainly is better than nothing. If you don't floss, consider trying it.
Your gums may bleed at first, but it will stop after a few days or so.
Hope it helps. Good luck!