Recent research shows that mothers who are breast-feeding their newborn babies may be exposing them to harmful toxins.
8 random women were tested and each showed traces of 4 harmful categories of chemicals:
1. Brominated flame retardants - used in electrical goods including mobile phones
2. Synthetic musks - artificial fragrances used in toiletries
3. An electrical equipment coolant phased out in the 1970's
4. Pesticides
Despite this Breast milk is still by far the healthiest choice for a new born child.
Katherine Tucker, from Tufts University in Boston who carried out initial research says toxins enter the environment through industrial pollution.
She says: "They accumulate in the fatty tissues of fish and animal products we use in food.
"Dioxins have been shown in animals to be related to cancer and in some human studies there have been suggestions they may contribute to cancer.
"Children exposed to these chemicals may grow more slowly... they may have learning difficulty and may have difficulty in development in terms of movement and coordination.
"Breast milk is the first and largest dose of these toxic chemicals that children are exposed to - other than in utero which is also important.
"Because children are growing so rapidly this is precisely the time when these toxic chemicals can interfere with normal development."
She advises prospective mothers to "try to rely on a less chemical environment in your own home.
"Don't get your clothes dry-cleaned; eat organically; throw out the super-strength cleaners."
Dr Vyvyan Howard, a toxicology expert at Liverpool University, is working on a trial of ways to reduce toxins in women before they become pregnant.
The trial involves many "detox" type techniques familiar to curezoners. Basically it involves a 3 day fast every month. This involves copious amounts of sweating through exercise and saunas. Also psyllium, cayenne, maple-syrup and lemon are taken to facilitate the release of toxins. The results of this trial are expcted to be released later this year.
Ideally such detoxing should be carried out before pregnancy to reduce total toxin exposure of the child.