The Abdundance Activator is the EFT portion of Creating Abundance Software, 1st you name your blocks, then do the EFT tapping around those blocks, then you have cognitive affirmations around the conversation of abundance...and you can work up to 10 issues ( more than I care to take on all at once) but if you want results....Paul will suport you with teleseminars, e-zines, let's just say he is available-
What's The Single Greatest Cause of
Financial Problems?
Take a moment and think of something you want
in life...
Why don't you have it yet? In other words, what
stops you from having it? Is it because you're
not motivated enough? Perhaps you haven't focused
on it enough?
What's your belief *why* you don't have it yet?
Stay with me for just a moment...
If you've tried creating what you want, and no matter
what you've tried still doesn't work, you've got what's
called Prosperity Reversal (PR).
If you haven't already read the free report on
Prosperity Reversal, make sure you read it now:
Simply stated, Prosperity Reversal is un-conscious
self sabotage and if you've been struggling with
finances, money and prosperity, you can be sure you
have it (PR).
Again, if you haven't reviewed the free report on
Prosperity Reversal, take time *right now* to read
it and things will begin to make huge sense to you.
Now, after you've read it, here's what you do:
Use Abundance Activator to help you identify
the Reversal and *clear it* - not just from your
mind, but from your *whole energy system*.
How do you know you've cleared it?
You'll FEEL it. When you begin a new project, the
energy that was once stuck will now feel open, and
you'll begin to see *results* where before, you
experienced frustration, inertia, and your energy
was drained.
Remember, Prosperity Reversal is an *ENERGETIC*
issue, (not just physical energy, but mental, emotional
and spiritual - it happens in your whole energy system).
Willpower will not overcome Prosperity Reversal, and
in the rare cases when it does, it ends up burning you
out. (and as you recall can even cause physical disease
if willpower is over-used for years).
If you don't already have Creating Abundance (with
Abundance Activator), now's the perfect time to begin
using it, especially with the holiday bills and stresses
that begin to mount.
One more thing...
**Make sure to work with a partner** on the exercises
in Creating Abundance (especially Abundance Activator).
Three huge reasons:
1. We can't always see our own issues clearly, and
by having another person work with you, you can
become FAR more objective about your own "stuff"
(challenges, blocks, limiting beliefs, etc)
2. Working with a partner energizes BOTH of you.
There's a *noticeable* shift* in energy when you
begin to work with a partner. You also step
outside your "ego layer" of "want", and help
another feel better about themselves and get
what they want. You can't help but increase
your vibration and abundance by helping another
with their abundance.
3. When you teach someone else the new principles
you are learning, a *completely different* part of
your brain is accessed - you literally begin to
LIVE the lessons and wisdom that you're studying.
(that's why the most successful people all
have Mastermind Groups - they WORK!)
There are more reasons - but you get the picture.
Start today - right now... if you have Creating
Abundance, open up the Abundance Activator and
begin to work with an issue that you've been
struggling with. Remember to access the audio
archive of the Tele-Seminars (especially Class 2).
If you don't already have Creating Abundance,
today's the day you can begin!
how you can clear Prosperity Reversal - once and
for all by visiting this link:
Today my friend, it's time to allow your inner wealth
to become real.
Don't let *anything* (or anyone) stop you...
To Your Dreams And To Your Abundance,