i am using a hi-tech binural/dual induction type hypnosis method and i am
worried that i may be becoming manic. it's for a confidence booster,
but i have listened to it repeatingly over and over the other day and i am starting to feel really manic.
it features low level soundwaves (to put the concious mind into a netural state)
and simutanious inuductions into the left
& right channels(head phones), the first time i used it- i felt immediate results,
so i repeated it like five times the next day to see if i could get
quicker results. but now i feel manic. i know better then to do that ever again.
i don't need anyone to tell me that what i did was stupid and dangerous,
and that my gut tells me that unless i want to literily loose my mind i
should discontinue it completly or reduce the sessions to 1-2 a month.
i am using a "super confidence" booster hypnosis CD coming from a
long history of negative thinking and manic depression.
are there any dangers to hypnosis?