There are a few things that people here have found helpful , or total cures a lot too!
Least invasive is a piece of tape. {Choose something non-toxic if possible!]. This keeps it from growing , often makes it get smaller, and will soften it up for any future attack you may be planning! Start with this today.
Under the tape, you could add some Coloidal Silver, or H202, thats what I've been doing. Someone said Castor Oil rioght on the wart, I would put tape over it, Castor Oil is good for many things it seems. And Tea tree oil...
Look into herbs, for use as a poultice or paste to put right on it. Thats difficult for your kids I guess, maybe at night she could wear a poultice.
Bloodroot and Creosote herb, vinegar, Tea Tree and other pure essential oils , and the Chapparell are SOME of what is in the "lifeline catalytic water product" [link below]{I am not selling it, I just saw it in another post here]
They call it Indian herb, which sounds like a real herb and not a product.
Try "Wart Wonder" - oh oh , darn, I can't look it up, I think it is called "Wart Wonder" - its the post right below this one, and its made from herbs too.
More aggressively you could try H202 at full strength.I have been putting 35% food grade H202 on, but it burns a bit , it is right now, ouch! now, must be working.Bye bye.