Dear Journ.
I'm glad you liked Tom Levy's book.
I was amazed at the long list of
major illnesses and degenerative
conditions, that have been arrested,
reversed, or outright cured by mega-doses of vitamin C. I wish everyone in the country had a copy of the book, and was reading it
tonight, instead of watching TV.
No, I didn't read the Pauling book
you mentioned. But I did read his
landmark book, CANCER AND VITAMIN C,
which he wrote with Dr. Ewan Cameron. Both men worked together
in Cameron's clinic in Scotland,
which was, in reality, a kind of
hospice for people with terminal
cancer; people whose doctors had
told them to get their affairs in
In those days (the 1970s), a large
mega-dose was considered to be around 10 grams. Most of their patients never received more than
10 grams per day, though some of them upped the ante on their own.
Even so, a few of the terminal patients survived; many others lived
several years beyond what their families expected. And just about
every one of them (500 people) felt
much better in the last days of their lives, because of the vitamin
Pauing also tells a number of stories about other cancer patients,
mostly Americans, who self-treated
themselves with what you and I would
consider mega-doses: 20 to 80 grams
of vitamin C per day. ALL of those
persons survived!
I wouldn't be surprised, Journ, if
information in Doctor Levy's book
enables you to help save the life
of someone close to you in the years
Keep the faith.