Hey Journ,
I'm glad to hear that you've pretty
much given up on doctors. If you'd
let him put the pacemaker in you,
he could have bought a new Lexus for
I have an old neighbor who had a
pacemaker installed ten years ago
when he was 82. It's caused a slew
of negative side effects. The most
dramatic side effect is that he
sometimes faints while driving his
van! I don't know whether to laugh
or cry. Only in South Florida would
a 92 year-old man with a pacemaker
and a long list of major illnesses
and degenerative conditions, still be driving. And he's the rule, not
the exception. Old men would literally rather die, then give up
their cars.
Last week, a car pulled up next to
me at a light. I glanced over --
and then did a double-take! The
driver was an old, OLD man, wearing
a hospital-type gown, who had
intravenous tubes coming out of both
nostrils. He looked like he had just
escaped from the Intensive Care Ward
-- and maybe he had. We live in a
culture that gets crazier by the
You asked in a recent post about celiac disease. I'm going to post
a response to you at the top of this