alright everyone, ive been experimenting for awhile now. its been over a month since my last post, and ive been exploring different supplements in an attempt to boost my immune system. well, it seems everytime i start a new supplement i stumble upon something better. but i think ive found the mother of all immune boosters. its called Transfer Factor. supposedly, its stronger than anything. i took olive leaf extract for awhile. it didnt do much. for the past month ive been taking LarreaRX (larrea tridentata extract), and its been pretty effective. it has stopped all breakouts and eliminated all prodromal sensations. just this past week, i discovered bovine colostrum. its bascially a super nutritious pre-milk that comes from cows, and humans too. its packed with immunoglobulins and these molecules called "transfer factors," which are essentially packets of immuno-information. its like training your immune system how to recognize and fight pathogens. anyway, i did more research, and it turns out that this product, called Transfer Factor, is basically just super-enhanced, highly-concentrated transfer factors. and supposedly, these transfer factors are what really matter if youre serious about boosting your immune system--some doctors are calling transfer factors the future of medicine. and this product tops everything out there, with patents, etc. this chart shows that this product Transfer Factor packs more immuno-punch than anything out there:
chances are, if youre taking a supplement to boost your immune system, its somewhere down there on the far left. for instance, the bovine colostrum im taking, if you look on this chart, only boosts your NK count (killer immune cells) by 26%. i thought this colostrum was one of the most powerful immune boosters out there. but this Transfer Factor appears to pack an "immuno-punch" of up to 437%. thats insane. my point is, if you want to boost your immune system, check this out, because this is supposedly THE supplement to take. i could be wrong. im going to order some and ill fill you guys in. it appears to be a completely legit product. just do some reading on it and youll see there are patents for not only the transfer factor formula, the chemicals in the product, etc., but also for the extraction process. so this is not a scam. its pretty new to the market too.
well, sorry for this long rant, but i just had to point this out. i know how easy it is to stumble across things on the internet and be deceived. but this chart really puts things in perspective. Transfer Factors. look into them. i know i am.
good luck with everything and keep posting!