I just wanted to say ive been surfing this website now for a couple months and have learned alot!....I especially like to commend parazapper,,johny apple bomb and vtool for helping out so many by answering quetions and such..
well I was diagnosed about a year ago with this 'gift'(hsv2) and began my research that very same day and have not stopped since...
I have tried numerous therapies since like h202 ingestion,h202 baths,bht&st.johns wort,lysine,aloe vera ingestion,ozone funneling,zapping,etc..
I am very intune with my body so I could easily tell what helped or what made my condition worse...
I have been drinking ozonated water for about 2 months now and have just recived my silver pulser and have noticed a big help...
I have had a rash on the back of my ankles since I contracted this virus and nothing above has been effective in getting rid of it...
well its now the second day of me pulsing and drinking
Colloidal Silver along with ozonated water and I awoke to very clear skin!,...I checked the back of my ankles and the rash is barely visable...
I have not bought the mag pulser as I am looking into the mpm2 or one that is a little more powerful than the sota mp...
I will continue the protocol and will let you guys know my progress...
In a few months I also will look to purchasing a frequency generator of some sort and will try that as well...any commets on fscan2,rife,gb4000,ed skilling and its effects with hsv2 would greatly be appreciated..