Thing is I just started second outbreak already. I had one week reprive and felt human for a little bit and along came flu like symptoms yesterday and today and now I have red spots on my hands so its definately Herpetic Whitlow. The other areas seem to be ok though. The only bright spot here is that its not on my face. I think it could be in my throat though as I had a little bit of a hard time breathing last night (feels like there is something in my throat...not sore though). Her pleasure then now my pain...
I see my family doc 2 days from now. Will be interesting to see if its HSV-2 or HSV-1 and what the other tests came back as (if they are ready). I'm gonna ask her to recommend a specialist cause having this on my hands is gonna really suck. Means I can no longer shake hands...touch anyone or anything (as I could be shedding). I'll probably get suppresive therapy and look forward to that suppresive vaccine they are talking about...