It sounds like a scam to me. There are a lot of people cashing in on herpes as so many people have it. But there has yet to emerge a magical cure all.
But you can eliminate outbreaks from ever occuring again if you keep experimenting. For me it was all about nutrition, alkalinity and proper health. Oh and BREATH the ultimate oxygenater, ionizer, alkalinizer, etc.
Please read my new post called "2 years and counting"
It pains me to read about people spending their hard earned money on scammers who are name dropping Michael Jackson and such things. I am from L.A. and in the industry and from everything I have heard, Jacko is still very much a pill junky! He was cured of nothing!
Best of luck. Take care of your health and the rest will follow.
Peace Light,
PS- Zappers rule, especially right before Hulda's liver cleanse which rules as well!