You might want to consider taking olive leaf extract, grapefruit seed extract,
Colloidal Silver , Pau d'Arco, oil of oregano, and eating some extra virgin coconut oil daily. Maybe not all of them, but at least, say, two of them. And I think you can put
Colloidal Silver in your ears, as well. I am not an expert on ear problems, but these are natural
Antibiotics /antivirals/immune boosters that should assist in eliminating your problem.
Drink lots of pure water inbetween meals. I don't know what your current diet and lifestyle is like, but make sure you avoid all
Sugar and flour products, NO DAIRY, beef, preferably all wheat and even too much fruit, too much animal flesh (the last two just for a few days) to be sure that you are not suppressing your immune system. Eat a lot of onions and try to be near them as you are chopping them, this is good for sinuses and possibly also the ear, the fumes themselves have strong properties so it might be good to get some "onion fumes" blowing in your ear. Also you might consider getting a lymphatic massage or doing some skin brushing, etc. Maybe a colonic?
Not directly related to this current infection, but in general just want to encourage you, if you've never liver flushed you might want to start a series of
Liver Flushes to reduce or eliminate getting ear infections, in general.