If you should ever read old medical books? Youn will read many people lived long past 120, some well past 250, not that many years ago! How? They ate nothing that caused your stomach to produce acid, do this and there is no aging, no acid, no stopping life.
It is habit that kills us.
FOOD? Again, search real medical books! No food ever enters the human cell, EVER! They use the mighty redwood as an example, this giant tree never has a single trace of dirt in it and no diet is removed by the tree climbing towards the sky! The sam with humans, foods do not make the man.
Foods cause the furnace to fire, we are Spirit (fire) living in a liquid body. Foods cause our own cells to waste, this killing of our cells is the energy we feel, not from foods, but from our own cells! this is why foods shorten life and the less food you can live on, the healtheir you will be.
The less food you eat, the less air you will need, the less water, etc. This is how the yoga person can take one breath every 10 minutes or so, I have seen some not take a breath for 1 hour. The sick person can't hold his breath for 2 minutes with out sever pains.
Yes, less food means less acid and longer life.
There are so many food experiments on record, seek Breatharians, there is alot of medical research on these people, but very secret and not too common today. Foods today have up to 1500 chemicals in them to addict you and make you fat, why, its all about money, not your health.