I asked a while back whether it might be possible for a person on a special diet (namely, raw vegan) to actually regenerate portions of teeth with cavities. I thought I'd heard that once before, but you never know how much of this stuff is true, and I was really hoping someone would tell me that it was definitely possible (I have lots of dental problems that the dentists are making worse!). However, someone mentioned that since blood doesn't flow to the tooth, it's not likely to happen. I was looking on today, and checked out "root canals" and found this:
"At the center of a tooth is a hollow area that houses soft tissue, known as pulp. This hollow area comprises of a relatively wide space towards the chewing surface of the tooth called the pulp chamber. This pulp chamber is connected to the tip of the root of the tooth via thin hollow pipe-like canals—hence, the term "root canal". These canals run through the centre of the roots like pencil lead runs through the length of a pencil. The tooth receives nutrition through the blood vessels and nerves traversing these canals" (
So the tooth does have blood flow. Does this mean it's possible for your teeth to heal themselves?
Any thoughts???