For the past two weeks I've been applying pure aloe vera to my face before I go to bed then again after cleansing in the morning. The results have been amazing.
After coming off my birth control pill about 18 months ago I've suffered with mild
Acne and having very pale skin it has left me with lots of red marks and scarring which were really affecting my self-confidence. My mum grows lots of aloe vera around the house and suggested applying it to my face to help fade the scars. I'd tried aloe vera gel from my health food store before and found it really dried my skin out but pure from the plant has done wonders for my skin.
The scars have faded dramatically and should be all gone in a few weeks and I don't have a single spot at the moment for the first time in months! I also had really dry skin around my mouth which has totally gone and my face just feels lovely and soft with a healthy glow.
I also had a small pimple on my shoulder which my boyfriend insisted on squeezing (the things you let people do when you're in love!) and it ended up about 10 times bigger, sore and really inflamed. Usually that would take a couple of weeks to clear up but I stuck a piece of aloe on with tape every night for the past 5 nights and I can barely see where it was now!
There was also an insect bite on my leg which I'd scratched so much I'd dug a small hole in my leg (sounds horrible I know, but those things itch like mad!) The hole had been there for weeks and the healing process seemed to be taking ages until I taped some aloe onto that too. 5 days later and the hole has totally healed over and the dead skin is rapidly peeling off as fresh pink skin grows through.
So I definately recommend this cheap and effective beauty treatment for everyone...slap it on and shine!
Amber x