MIRACLE HEALING EVENT with Douglas James Cottrell
Hamilton, Ontario
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
An evening of joyful music and uplifting energy. Douglas will lead the guests through spiritual teachings, prayer and group meditation to develop spiritual healing abilities. Spiritual healing (laying on of hands) offered as well. Book signing to follow. Come and enter our draw to win a copy of "Secrets of Life."
Wednesday, December 15, 2004.
6:30 PM. Doors open at 6:00 PM.
Hamilton Public Library Auditorium,
55 York Boulevard, Hamilton, Ontario.
Admission: $15 at door (or 2 for $25.00).
What is a Miracle Healing Event???
It is a gathering of like-minded people around a charismatic healer, such as Douglas, for the purpose of effecting healing. Douglas's events are spiritual but non-denominational, and are open to people of any faith - even those who have none.
In the 1970s Douglas was instructed in the Laying On Of Hands method of spiritual healing by an Anglican minister named Rev. Alex Holmes. In addition to his Deep Trance Meditition session, Douglas has been offering spiritual healing energy to those in need over the years. Recently, however, Douglas took his spiritual healing to the next step by making it public - initially at churches, and now in more public spaces, such as theatres, where hundreds of people participate.
Typically at an event, there is a lecture by Douglas on some spiritual principle related to health and healing. All illness begins in the mind, "for the mind is the builder, the mind is the way." In addition to the teaching, there is live music sung by a choir, and guests are asked to sing along. There is also a meditation component, led by Douglas. All of these are aimed at getting the participants into the same frame of mind - to feel safe, to let their guard down and enter a slightly altered state of consciousness. As they relax and allow their auras to expand, the creative energies swell. Douglas then acts as a conduit for this energy, using it for the specific purpose of bringing relief of pain or some other healing into people - depending on their need. Douglas will ask what the complaint is, and then he is able to direct the energy towards that purpose. Some people weep, some people feel heat, some feel cold, some feel electricity, some feel dizzy. Most people faint under the power of the energy.
Douglas feels it is his mission to offer evidence of the divine in everyone, and that those who participate at these events can witness it for themselves. "Faith is built upon belief, and belief is built upon evidence, one step at a time."
What is a Miracle???
Excerpt from 'Secrets of Life' by Douglas James Cottrell
(written during a Deep Trance Meditation)
When there is disease in a body one moment, and it has vanished in the next, some would say that a miraculous healing has taken place. A miracle is generally perceived as some event that is unsolvable or unchangeable; something done without any process, somewhat “magically;” having the great hand of God upon it - for our conscious minds cannot understand how someone with a great physical deformity can be instantly transformed into perfect health. But could such a healing simply be an acceleration of the natural occurrences of the body? When someone cuts an arm, normally it takes 3 days for a scab to form and the scar to be healed. What if the process could be sped up from 3 days to 3 seconds? Miracles are, indeed, such a process.
Matter is controlled by thought. Matter does not automatically “know” what to do. It needs a thought to direct it. When matter is controlled or directed by a thought so powerful, so ordered, and so knowledgeable, damaged cells will virtually align themselves or direct themselves to be replaced, replenished and healed, restoring health.
Understand that the mind is the builder and the mind is the way. What is held in the mind is manifested in physical form, both in yourself and in others. If there is a great unity of minds focussed on a single thought, then the thought becomes so great that the consciousness of the damaged cell is raised to its normal vibrational rate and to a state of perfection or healing. Instantly done, a miracle occurs. For when you appeal to God (and the creative forces), disease is very little. It is simply being “ill-at-ease” with what is natural, correct or perfect (for perfection and growth are of God). Miracles remove the dis-easement and re-establish ease; the end result being healing. God, angels - any interested soul - may also be called upon to intervene in your life or assist in the relief of pain and the healing of a body: physical, mental, and spiritual. For God is a loving and just God. God would have none suffer - save for those who chose to do so themselves.
Douglas James Cottrell's website