cut out all dairy and eat raw green leaf and drink only distilled water. america is heavily overdosed on calcium. even so, dairy prevents calcium from getting into the bones. acid diets leach calcium from the bones. so, instead of replacing the calcium in the bones, it gets deposited just as you describe. dairy CAUSES osteoporosis and is acid forming in the body.
the distilled water will help leach the spurs. the green leafs will provide the calcium for the bones. get plenty of sun and do not wash afterwards. vitamin D is formed and on the skin and then soaks in if not washed off.
more may be needed, but hopefully this is enough to change the internal environment enough for the body to do the rest. do not eat carbs and proteins at the same time together.
the quickest fix is orange juice fasting for thirty days. most people wont do that. and even so, the diet MUST be changed. it is much easier after a fast, however.