Hi everyone,
This happened to me last night, and I'm just wondering would anyone have any ideas as to what it was or what caused it -
First I noticed a feeling of pressure in my left hand, almost like that uncomfortable feeling you get when having your blood pressure measured with the inflatable cuff thing that goes around your arm. I also had some involuntary twitching of the thumb and index finger.
This came and went for a while, then I noticed a sensation of burning in the index and middle fingers of my right hand, which got progressively worse and spread to the other fingers. It became very painful, it felt like I'd scalded or burnt the area, but was not accompanied by any redness or swelling - both hands looked perfectly normal. The burning sensation started in the left hand then, but not as intensely.
I hadn't ingested or been exposed to anything out of the ordinary, and this has never happened before, although I do sometimes get a sensation almost like a mild electric shock around my left lower arm and hand.
The sensations went away completely when I relaxed and gave myself Reiki.
Anyone have any ideas?
Thanks in advance,