Hi, I bought the premilled pure oak panel slats wrapped in plastic and then had to custom cut each piece to fit onto an angled side panel next to-- and going up a set stairs.
In order for the pieces of the puzzle to interlock perfectly, I had to temporarily tack them up in the raw wood state, and then when all pieces were to fit-- I would take them down and then both stain them, and then seal them in a satin polyurethane clear coat which I was going to allow to cure in the garage for as many weeks as it takes to outgas the smells.
Apparently there is an outgassing of the raw slats that happened in the 5 day process thus far, and it appears to be an acetaldehyde that outgasses and creates a similar reaction to that of a hangover...
There is a mechanism in the liver that allows for the detox of such to a degree with an enzyme called ALDH which is what allows the detox of a hangover as well.
Though not speciifically applying to us in this case-- Asians and American Indians have a genetic situation that relates to not having enough availability of the ALDH to allow the metabolism and excretion of the acetalehyde. There is a product out that says it supports such a situation.
"Biologically, hangovers are the painful symptoms of your body's struggle to cleanse, or metabolize this poison and flush it out. Alcohol is initially absorbed in the stomach. Since it can't be stored it must be metabolized, or oxidized, by special enzymes in the liver before it can be expelled from the body.
Yet as the liver converts acetaldehyde into acetic acid it reaches a saturation point, and some of the acetaldehyde escapes into the bloodstream, inhibiting normal mitochondria function and reaction, causing membrane damage, stimulating the synthesis of collagen to form scar tissue, and causing nasty hangover symptoms such as increased heart rate, headache, and nausea.
The neurons of the brain are the most adversely effected by acetaldehyde poisoning, which impairs brain function by interfering with the activity of neurotransmitters within and between the neurons. Acetaldehyde impairs memory and has been shown to be responsible for the amnesiac effects that may follow alcohol intoxication."
--end of quote--
I am wondering if there are also subtle changes being effected in some of our DNA that have either refined or sensitized this genetic mechanism so that many of us are simply reacting 10 to 100 times more with the breathing in of such than 20 years ago?
We are arriving into a new area of space that is highly energized by the Milky Way disc now...into 2012... which is a good thing overall...
Just to breathe in some of these artificially concocted pheremone perfumes is often all that it takes for a massive migrane-- and yet somepeople seem to be unaffected.
What we appear to dealing with is that this staircase is leading up to the bedroom area and the breathing in all night for that span of days resulted in a saturation and the subsequent shutting down of the neurotransmitters to maintain things like normal autonomic functions of the breathing and digestion so the system shuts down, gets toxic with headaches and a recirculating toxicity amongst the liver/kidneys/colon in a feedback loop as the body trys to rid itself of both the toxins and the secondary load toxins from the body system shutdowns and overall poisoning. It sounds maybe worse than it is but the headaches are a 30 on a scale of one to ten-- ten being excruciating.
Anyone with chemical perfume sensitivities is well to investigate this as a root cause of your long term headaches etc.
We were almost managing in our dealing with the oak wainscoating outgassing and had removed them out to the garage with the mounting-fit-puzzle almost complete and the realization that they were the culprit with some google research.
The final kicker is that we had to travel in a car yeasterday with a lady who wore that knid of toxic perfume while our systems were already somewhat overburdened and that is why we put out the additional call for tips when the 30 headaches beset us.
I have flushed with
Epsom Salts , taken all the listed supplementation, taken an enema to clear the colon up to the cecum, and added in grapefruit seed extract 40 drop orally and 30 in the enema to get where I am right now which is a headache down to a 5 from a 30. Also got up and took a shower and then a bath of 2 cups
Epsom Salts and one cup sodium bicarbonate baking soda.
Thank you. ( husband of Infinitelove )