Lee, Curezone was a fantastic place before the "Barefoot Herbalist" showed up and it can continue to be a place of learning, sharing and support with or without him. My favorite people on this site are those who have learned to think outside the box, and remain open minded and respectful of all kinds of thoughts and opinions. Some people crawl out of one box into another and shut down their minds to anything outside of their new box. I'm afraid this is the case with barefoot and his clan. Keep exploring, asking questions and sharing what you learn with the rest of us who are still on a journey. All of us will be the richer for it.
PS-you kicked ol' barefoot where it hurt when you gave us all access to his $149.00 book for free. Are you really surprised he's mad at you? Like I wrote on your blog-
Reprint of old book with highlights-$149.95
Reprint of old book with CD-$169.95
Original book for free on-line-priceless
You're the man Lee!