Which isn't bad to get flouride, chlorine free water,
with all the other toxins and chemicals and trihalomethanes, etc.
(not to count the multitude of other agents, microorganisms)
( a poster below helped me remember that not everyone uses filtration
systems. see link below:)
Distiller/steam units info and product purchase above
Since I don't watch tv,
and turn out lights in rooms I am not using..
this really doesn't affect me greatly.
We rarely if ever use the oven at all,
I am not 100 % raw foodist,
still lightly steam some foods
on stove top.
I hang dry most of my clothing
and recently we got a small 42 $ wonderwash,
which is manuel / simple easy/ saves water use,
no electrical cost and uses less cleaning agent.
Quick easy and good arm exercise lol a 2 minute tops
turning time, pressurised cleaning.
So I figure for all the $ I do save,
a distiller still does not affect me greatly
And certainly is far more healthful than 5 hours of tv! lol
Just some personal thought sharing
Ami Joi Benton
Curezone Team Member