charu...This is probably the beginnings of arthritis, no doubt. We have friends
who just went to Hallelujah Acres back in June because the husbands hands were
becoming so deformed with
Arthritis & he thought he was going to have to close his
family business that had been in the family for generations.
They went to the Hallelujah Acres retreat...in June...stayed one week to get familiar with the program...came home and continued it...and we saw them last
Sept...and his fingers were as straight as mine. He was praising their program
to beat the band.
Check out their website
It's a 'natural diet and lifestyle'...lots of juicing...no processed foods...you
can call them and they'll send you their FREE magazine Back To The Garden...its just
full of testimonials, and healing articles.
You can totally rid your body of
Arthritis by changing your diet. kathryn