Dear 28281,
I can't tell you the names of the radioactive chemicals
that the doctors inject into you before they administer
the CT scan. But chances are 99 out of 100 that they're
harmful to your body -- just like the CT scan itself.
Doctor David Williams is one of the very best alternative health physicians. I rate him #1, and I
trust him implicitly. In his print newsletter of
November, 2004, Dr. Williams discussed CT scans.
Here are some of the things he had to say.
Williams says that the risk of developing cancer from
these scans far outweighs any possible benefits. "The
radiation from these full-body scans can be 500 times
the amount of a standard X-ray." He adds that CT
scans expose the recipient to the same amount of
radiation that a person would receive who was 3
kilometers from an atomic bomb blast. Many of the
Japanese people who survived Hiroshima and Nagasaki
in 1945, later died of cancer.
Doctor Williams cites a study which says that if a
person had a CT scan every year for 30 years, the risk
of developing cancer would be 1 in 50.
But clinics love to give the scans! They usually charge a minimum of #1,000 per scan. Alas,modern medicine is all
about making money for the doctors, hospitals, and
pharamceutical companies. We, the citizens of this
country, are merely product to them: what hamburger is
to a fast-food company; something to be used to generate cash.
I hope you decide to maintain your health without
invasive injections and dangerous scans.