Think simple rather than complicated.
Number One thing to help your kidneys:
Pure, fresh, no chlorine, no fluoride WATER (distilled or filtered spring)
Drink 1/2 of your body weight (pounds) in
ounces of water DAILY.
(150 lb person needs 75
oz of water a day.)
Another simple thing to remember: NO drinks with artificial sweeteners, colors,
preservatives , or flavors. Fresh
juicing is fine, but it does NOT replace water; juice is an *addition* to your daily fluid intake, especially if your kidneys need a little boost.
Watermelon cure and
Watermelon Seed Tea are both good options, but I personally like brewing
celery seed tea and adding a teaspoon each of fresh cut ginger and dandelion. A mug every other day for a couple of weeks works wonders. (A mug every 3 days for life can be done for kidney support and won't hurt you.) Can drink a up to 3 cups a day for up to 3 days in a row if needed, but I prefer the slower, gentler way. The only thing to keep in mind about
Celery Tea is to NOT drink if pregnant as it can cause uterine contractions.
The only 'side effect' of the above will be clear urine and a lot of trips to the bathroom until your bladder gets used to handling so much water! lol
Hulda's cleanse is wonderful, but keep in mind she's focusing on hard cases, like cancer. A simple over taxed set of kidneys just needs some simple TLC.