You have the big guns as part of your arsenal.
Colloidal Silver is top dog.
Beck Magnetic Pulser
Blood Electrification unit
I would also consider the following as top of the list:
Mega doses of vitamin C (preferably intervenous)
Oxygen therapy in the form of either
H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) or Ozone
Powerful frequency generator (preferably through Rife tube set up).
Oregano oil...pau d arco...olive leaf extract...grape seed's claw...golden seal
and other anti microboal herbs (many to choose from)
Also consider
juicing (high and wide array of..) mineral rich vegetables {minerals on board creates a highly functioning immune system). You get mineral rich plants and vegetables from biodynamically grown crops, wild plants or to a much lesser degree, organic (still leaps and bounds better than commercially grown poisonous crops).
In advance of any potential epidemic(always), one should cleanse so that their system is not easy prey to any organism. One should also be fueling (eating) with an optimally healthy and nutritious diet including fermented veggies to ensure a healthy microflora population, (over 50% of the body's immune system is in the gut).
There are other effective therapies such as colour light therapy, urine therapy etc that can also be utilized in adjunct.
You have the big guns as part of your arsenal.
Colloidal Silver is top dog.
Beck Magnetic Pulser
Blood Electrification unit
I would also consider the following as top of the list:
Mega doses of vitamin C (preferably intervenous)
Oxygen therapy in the form of either
H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) or Ozone
Powerful frequency generator (preferably through Rife tube set up).
Oregano oil...Pau d arco...olive leaf extract...grape seed extract
and other anti microboal herbs (many to choose from)
Also consider
juicing (high and wide array of..) mineral content vegetables {minerals on board creates a highly functioning immune system)
In advance of any epidemic, one should cleanse so that their system is not easy prey to any organism and be fueling (eating) with an optimally healthy and nutritious diet including fermented veggies to ensure a healthy microflora population (over 50% of the body's immune system is in the gut).
There are other effective therapies such as colour light therapy, urine therapy etc that can also be utilized in adjunct.