you seem knowledgeable about chelation. I am looking for practical affective answer... lately one of my left molar teeth that had large
Amalgam filing got fractured and broke in my mouth.
Amalgam filling spilled into my mouth as powdery metal. I spat as soon as possible. rinsed my mouth and all. I know that many got into my body. (as my left eye flickered, got rash on my left side of my body) I went to a dentist to take care of the broken tooth and all of the amalgam. it was removed and bonded with compound (the doctor reassured me its metal free) This happened when I was pregnant, and i didn't know I was pregnant!. 8 months later I had my baby.
I didn't want to do mercury removal from my other teeth as I learned its risky when one breastfeeds. but then lately, another left side molar tooth started to creack up and leak its filing. my mouth started to taste mettalic. I had electrity currents in my mouth, I salivated. got fatigued, my rash got worse. my left sided eye flickered uncontrolably for 1 whole month.
I found one IAOMT dentist and told him about my concerns and about the breastfeeding issue. he said since the tooth is leaking, and I am having mercury anyway, removal will be safer as leaving them will provide constant source of mercury all time, and I can end up with more mercury. so I went ahead and removed the mercury. my symptoms got better (really have ups and downs, some good days some less good days)
so as I am
Amalgam free, I would like to know about a cheap safe chelation! and about the baby, I would like to know how can I chelate her safely. she only breastfeeds.
I belive I don't have so much mercury in my blood because I had protein craving and I ate alot of protein, (by Dr. Mercola websiite he says that protein binds to mercury preventing it from absorbing into the body)
any insights? shall I eat cilantro pesto? what else? I see that some chelating agents remove the mercury that goes freely in the body and other chelating agents stir up more mercury that settled in the body cells already... I feel if I will do both, it will overwhelm my body, so
I need to know how can I remove the mercury that moves freely that didn't settle yet, and how long, then working toward the mercury that settled down in my cells and brain..
p.s my general health is great. I am not overweight, I don't have any chronic problem. we don' eat junk food. my mostly source of toxicity is the amalgam fillings in my mouth and my
vaccinations that I had over 8 years ago. I eat foods that dr. mercola recommends, minimally crave for chocolate and stuff, but I don't touch coke and junk food.
thanks for help and thanks for reading my long and boring posting!!