I have recently been having dibilitating gas pains monthy when I get my period. Now make no mistake these are not cramps because I get those, but very mildly! But the gas pains I have every month usually come on in the last days of my cycle and take about 3-4 days to completely go away. These pains are so bad that I can't even sleep at night because I have such sharp stabbing stomach pains. It hurts to move while I lay in bed at night, much less trying to move around during the day like a normal person. The over the counter gas remedies don't make a dent in the gas, I have tried everything, herbal, all brands of gas relief things, even prescription Protonix barely make a dent in the gas. I have recently tried the over the counter stuff for IBS and guest what nothing happened! I don't think even child birth is this painful (ok a different kind of pain) The amazing thing is it goes away for a month and then 28 days later it the same thing all over again. Has this ever happened to anyone? Any advice....I am open to cures, reasons why this is happening....anything to make this pain stop!