What I find interesting is that people test *normal* for thyroid hormone but still have low body temp and other problems related to low thyroid...this now starts to mnake more sense to me why coconut oil works so well with raising body temp - it is a good fat that helps against leptin resistance possibly? . . .
"Interestingly, leptin also controls thyroid hormone. Thus, leptin problems enforce low-thyroid symptoms by turning off the activation of thyroid hormone at the cellular level. The thyroid gland may still make thyroid hormone, making lab tests appear normal. However, a person may still have all the symptoms of low thyroid. These include at least several of the following: low body temperature, fatigue, weight gain, constipation, depression, dry skin, rough skin on elbows, loss of the outside portion of eyebrows, brittle hair, hair loss, headaches in the morning, energy drops in the afternoon, and/or elevated cholesterol. Leptin problems keep these low-thyroid symptoms locked in place until the leptin problems are actually fixed."
Entire article can be found at:
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