This sickens me, I went on to read some reviews on Kevin's books and one author of a similer book wrote that
"Kevin made some seeming contradictions, like that you shouldn't eat shellfish because they store toxins, yet says he grew up eating them."
uM, HELLO, he clearly said that was before he learned about health.
"On top of that, he wrongly uses "Kosher Laws" and implies the Bible said to abstain from pork and shellfish because of their dangerous content, however that is wrong, that isn't why the Bible said not to eat them, and later the Bible claimed that those laws were no longer in affect, and instead encouraged eating whatever was in the market. So take God's advice over Kevin's."
This guy really doesn't know his bible because the bible does not say for us to eat whateveer we want.
"The problem I have with this book is again the constant plugging of his website which is costly and virtually pointless."
Um, he had only 5 pages in his book about his website, wow, that sure is constant plugging. And his website is the best in my opinion!
"Trudeau writes to eat whole real foods because the food companies put
additives that are addicting in food that are not whole. I believe that but where is the list of the brand names that cure?"
You evidently didn't read the last 120 pages of his book, they were all entirely brand name products being listed. sheesh.
"i have found this book to be full of advertisements and plugs for his website, which is not free. i also got tired of reading about his poor self being picked on, instead of finding good info about natural cures and ways to natural take care of yourself. i have found other natural books especially by the Graedon's to be be of the utmost information.
Kevin Trudeau 's book is waste of money."
Wow, 5 pages of his website sure do anger people. Out of 350 pages, only 5 were about his site. So why is everyone using this copout? And he had 120 pages with a list of brand name products that cure disease, why are you misleading the public?
"I got really tired of all the "join my website." I checked out the website and you can't find out anything without joining and there's a big picture of him on it."
Um, it says JOIN on the front page, are you blind?
"He says he's going to give all he has away but doesn't say where or when."
Interresting, but he never said that in either of his books!
"There are only a couple of product names or recomendations in the book, certainly not what the cover leads you to believe. No therapies, treatments, or wonder products by name, just more hints and "there is a great cure" noises, followed by sending you to his pay to view, members only, webpage."
The comments were from various people and reviews for his new book, it's sad to see so many false reviews from people who probably didn't even read his new book.