I'm not trying to troll, this is just my 2 cents on Kevin and this forum.
It seems to me that there are alot of people that somehow feel natural healing is some sort of elite group. Now someone brings alot of the common healing knowledge that is on this board to the general public. Sure some of it is wrong, sure kevin exagerates some things, sure he is definatly in it for the money. Whats wrong with being in it for the money? I work at a school and sure I'm in it for the kids, but i'm also there to get a paycheck!
Back to the elite group thing. It seems alot of us natural healing type people some how are offended by someone trying to bring our systems to mainstream? Why is this? It reminds me of the "clicky" group of kids in highschool. They were the cool kids, and they wouldnt dare let a bunch of outsiders in, somehow they wont be as cool.
My conclusion for the anti-kevin folks, yes i'm sure he is in it for the money, yes i'm sure lots of it is exagerated. But, whats so bad about this? Look what he is doing!! He is helping to open the eyes of many more people that otherwise would be blind!! What could POSSIBLY be bad about a "western" medicine believer picking up kevin's book because it is on the frotn shelf of a store and reading it to get started? But of course, if you are too cool to allow those people into our club then maybe you don't like that?
Now I have to wonder how many people are going to get all angry at my message!! Oh no!! he is trying to support people that are trying to get into our club!!! Of course it won't come out like that there will be all sorts of arguments. But I think the psychology is clear.
Just my 2 cents