Homosexuality is free will.
God gave us free will.
People who choose to partake in this act is given over to seduction.
The idea that God created man and women for eachother and to reproduce is sacred.
Anything that comes against that sacred unity is evil.
Satan has demons to tempt, decieve, destroy, pervert, and come against God in his attempt to rule the world.
People who do not understand God's plan for their life or God's love and key to that wisdom (Jesus Christ) fall prey to demonic attacks.
Once the mind begins to believe the lies of the spiritual war, people become victums to the lies.
Satan uses people to part take in homosexuality to pervert the beautiful gift God has given man and woman-sex.
Homosexuals are not happy-no matter what they tell you-they are hurting people who want to change. It is a strong hold of bondage that needs deliverance through a relationship with Jesus Christ.