You might want to try this also:
Deep Sleep Every Night- by Glenn Harrold. It is an audio Hypnosis .wav book that you can get at Audible,com. I know this works because my daughter was going through a
Depression related to "Empty nest" syndrom. Her only daughter was going to college, and they had been very close. Not getting any sleep was a part of the depression, and magnified the stress and depression. I bought the book and downloaded it to an MP3 player for her. Actually I downloaded it to 2 MP3 players and kept one. I tried it, and before the thing was over I was sound asleep. She uses it regularly and is now getting her rest. At first she would wake up in the middle of the night, but would listen again and get back to sleep.
You can try it out (Listen) from their web site here. Also you can read the testimonials of people who have used it. If you don't have an MP3 player, they have deals where if you subscribe for a certain length of time, you can get one. Some at a discount, and one is free. You can also download it to your computer, and put it on a CD if that's convenient to listen from while you are in bed.
I also use mine to listen to audio books when I take my daily walks. If you do join, I also recommend a book entitled the Da Vinci code. You will probably never look at the painting of the Last Supper the same way again.
What ever you do, make the machine the last thing you try. Good luck.