The modern industrial world, is now at toxic levels, complex technologies and large-scale social institutions have led to a fundamental separation between people, as well as between humans and the living world. Since our daily lives seem to depend largely on a man-made world — the economy, electric power, cars and highways, the medical system — it’s easy to believe we depend more on the technosphere than on life, or the biosphere. As the scale of the economy grows, it also becomes increasingly difficult for us to know the effects of our actions on nature or on other people. These forms of separation stem from and reflect a fragmented world view that is essentially antithetical to nature. In fact, modern society is based on the assumption that we are separate from and able to control the natural world. Thus the structures and institutions on which we depend are deifications of ignorance and greed — a denial of interdependence and nature itself!
Centralized living is an attack on the planet in its very design, consuming massive quantities of resources including the great loss of topsoil from modern day agriculture!
There have been many back to the land movement but often failed in a prosperous resource rich atmosphere! The so called green revolution with the advent of chemical fertilizers and machinery capable of plowing under vast expanses of land has provien to be a disaster that weighs heavily on the environment and the people who are the end product users of these toxic highly processed food sources!
Permaculture addresses these issues in a long term fashion taking all the knowledge of the modern day world and the wisdom of the past and places them on the table of discussion and educational outreaches.
The back to the land movement was a sort of nastalgic and romantic persuit ,often taking place in resource rich areas and with a grub steak of credit cards to keep one afloat! The world needs more then an attempt at a hobby farm to make this transistion to a world soon to be deficient in resources!
Alternative health , alternative lifestyles, ecovillages, sylvaculture,perenial grains, salad gardens ,foraging ,bartering,barnraising and community and family are all addressed in Permaculture and these should be taught at the Univerities and discussed in boardrooms, these should be the persuit of the modern man if he wants to sustain himself into the future! I dont belive we have much choice! Chaz