Regarding your questions:
Question #1: "What happens if/when the autopsy proves that Terri was in fact in a vegitative state and had absolutly no chance of ever recovering?"
My answer: Then THAT will be the truth to be revealed. Unless Alikat's theory happens, but then, no one will know and people will continue to theorize and make assumptions until they let go and forget about all this.
Question #2: "What happens if/when the autopsy shows that she was never abused?"
My answer: Again, then THAT will be the truth to be revealed.....
Question #2 part2: "Who will left to blame? The courts? Her husband? God?"
My answer: No one to blame if what happened to her was a natural event. Things happen in life that aren't always explainable.
Question #3: "Why are people so bent on blaming someone for this terrible tragidy?"
My answer: I am not bent on blaming anyone. I, just like everyone else have suspicions. I'm sorry if I appeared to be placing blame, not my intention. But yes, I do have suspicions, wonders...
And, as many others have wondered, why let her live all these years and then starve her to death now, so many years after the incident? I think that if her husband had chosen to not allow ANY means of artificial life support, including a feeding tube from the very beginning, I don't think most people would have thought much about this. Other than having sympathy for all involved. Even if the media were just as involved as they are now. (That is assuming too that there was never any abuse suspected.)But the whole thing is just suspicious, from beginning to end, period.
Your comment: "It breaks my heart that the images of this poor girl were pasted every ten seconds to our TV's and newspapers.... disgusting...."
My reply: I agree. I haven't watched any of this on TV though. I tend to be a very sensitive individual and I don't think I could sleep at night at all if I allowed myself to watch evey story about this. I read mostly the articles online and have avoided the videos. I have seen only two or three pictures and one is when she was young and it was before all this tragedy. I think she and her parents and her husband would prefer that that be how she is remembered. So, I don't care to see the other stuff. I would not want the world seeing pictures of me like that.
I'd like to add... Maybe it isn't fair though that any of us have suspicions and are assuming anything. As many have said, the media is one sided. We are only hearing what others want us to hear. And this issue is SO complex and deep, I doubt anyone will ever have total understanding of it. But it is hard to not think about it because it could be any one of us or our families and it is scary to think of HOW this happened (ended). Regardless of the original cause.
I don't think anyone is trying to be judgemental. I think we all are just venting and trying to figure things out.
Regarding your questions:
Question #1: "What happens if/when the autopsy proves that Terri was in fact in a vegitative state and had absolutly no chance of ever recovering?"
My answer: Then THAT will be the truth to be revealed. Unless Alikat's theory happens, but then, no one will know and people will continue to theorize and make assumptions until they let go and forget about all this.
Question #2: "What happens if/when the autopsy shows that she was never abused?"
My answer: Again, then THAT will be the truth to be revealed.....
Question #2 part2: "Who will left to blame? The courts? Her husband? God?"
My answer: No one to blame if what happened to her was a natural event. Things happen in life that aren't always explainable.
Question #3: "Why are people so bent on blaming someone for this terrible tragidy?"
My answer: I am not bent on blaming anyone. I, just like everyone else have suspicions. I'm sorry if I appeared to be placing blame, not my intention. But yes, I do have suspicions, wonders...
And, as many others have wondered, why let her live all these years and then starve her to death now, so many years after the incident? I think that if her husband had chosen to not allow ANY means of artificial life support, including a feeding tube from the very beginning, I don't think most people would have thought much about this. Other than having sympathy for all involved. Even if the media were just as involved as they are now. (That is assuming too that there was never any abuse suspected.)But the whole thing is just suspicios, from beginning to end, period.
Your comment: "It breaks my heart that the images of this poor girl were pasted every ten seconds to our TV's and newspapers.... disgusting...."
My reply: I agree. I haven't watched any of this on TV though. I tend to be a very sensitive individual and I don't think I could sleep at night at all if I allowed myself to watch evey story about this. I read mostly the articles online and have avoided the videos. I have seen only two or three pictures and one is when she was young and it was before all this tragedy. I think she and her parents and her husband would prefer that that be how she is remembered. So, I don't care to see the other stuff. I would not want the world seeing pictures of me like that.
I'd like to add... Maybe it isn't fair though that any of us have suspicions and are assuming anything. As many have said, the media is one sided. We are only hearing what others want us to hear. And this issue is SO complex and deep, I doubt anyone will ever have total understanding of it. But it is hard to not think about it because it could be any one of us or our families and it is scary to think of HOW this happened (ended). Regardless of the original cause.
I don't think anyone is trying to be judgemental. I think we all are just venting and trying to figure things out.