I can't understand the reason.
Unless they were afraid of repercussions from the ACLU (Atheists Communist Liars Union?). for exposing children to religion in a public without prior parental consent.
Even children have to be careful now!
The ACLU of Arkansas wants to sue a high school because a senior girl prayed a prayer and issued an alter call at her graduation in May.
A graduation speech created an uproar, when the topic turned to God; the ACLU says it's a violation of the separation between church and state.
Before marching with the Jonesboro High class of 2005, Jessica Reed was president of fellowship of Christian Services.
"I'm here today to tell you that God is someone that he's amazing," said Reed in her May 20 speech.
But it wasn't until her final moments as a senior that Reed's religious convictions caused a legal controversy.
"If you would like to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour here's your chance," she said in that same speech.
Reed's altar call sparked outrage from the American Civil Liberties Union.
However, the ACLU of New Jersey supports the right of a 2nd grade girl to sing "Awesome God" at an after school talent show, saying:
"There is a distinction between speech by a school and speech by individual students.