Hi Dahlimama,
Im experiencing the same isues as yourself. It happend six months ago when i suddenly got loose stools, pain in my intestines. The stool started to float in the toile and I suddenly had foamy urine out. After three months of absolute lethargy, pain and i suspect some damage to my intestines a stool sample showed i had blatocystis homminis in very large numnbers, D.fragilis and ENTAMOEBA cysts. Three for the price of one. I was put on metronidazole. It gave me some relief but i am still left with major digestive problems and foamy urine. I am having a 24 hr urine test to check for proteinuria but have tested negative to strips urine sample. THere is a site called
It has some information on parasites.
Mabe what ever has ravaged our intestines
Quote from badbugs.org
E.histolytica is an invasive protozoal organism capable of causing life-threatening intestinal and extra-intestinal disease. E.histolytica can invade the liver, lung and other bodily sites by penetrating the intestinal mucosal barrier."
The bladder sits right against the small intestine mabe its made a jump to my bladder.
Hope this helps. Any 1 got any ideas?