I don;t know if this has been mentioned here. But when I did a search I did not find it. There is an author I just learned about who relates FUNGUS to cancer. Very interesting material. The little "yeasties" morphed into cancer under the microscope. Hmmm.
Google: Doug Kaufmann and fungus, or go on Amazon. The reviews there tell alot. There are testimonies in the book/s. Of course FUNGUS is candida as far as I know. If he had called it that ----candida----we might all have learned about this sooner. When we think of fungus we think of foot fungus.
Getting rid of it is another story but I am sure he tells something to do.
My guru says Three Lac will work. I used Primal Defense for 2 years and never got a flare up til I went off of it for 4-5 months. But he says 3 lac will get rid of it and not just keep it at bay if you stay on it 2-3 months depending on your body. Of course if you have cancer... then maybe Kaufmann tells the dose and time. A longer time. And diet is probably a big factor. Happy reading.